Goodness of me

23:31 December 14, 2015


I’m bearing my soul to you
I know I’m not the only one
Waiting for you to set them free
But do tell me you see
All of the goodness in me
Waiting for you, what else could be ?
Just me
Waiting for you
Set in stone
My heart full of gold
Set on the steps of your throne
Oh but could it be?
You’ve been there waiting for me?
Tell me
How do you know
If love is love or an infatuation
Give it a chance
Give us a chance
To truly retreat
To a paradise full of you and I
The Stars looking down on us from the sky
But oh, ever will it be?
That we are in a place together
Just waiting for our love to be set free..

23:31 Dec 14th

Copyright December 14, 2015 J.C.B ©

I’m O.K.

December 20, 2015 4:32am

I’m sorry I’m not the type to fake it til I make it..
Make pretend life is #blessed while I struggle for the things I pretend came easy,
Say yes to things I could only cold heartedly agree to,
Be the person who always smiles in the worst circumstances just for personal gain,
Forget about love because of a boss who tells me I won’t succeed without being single- he tries to touch me everyday..
Stay with someone in fear for my future,
Stay with a team or crew full of greed and selfishness knowing I could succeed with them but be treated terribly until then,
Fake a personality to be accepted by someone,
Tell a lie to maintain a lifestyle,
Tell a lie to “get someone’s back” I barely even know,
Say “I love you” to people who only call me when they are in need,
Party with people who are the cities Valerians
Sorry but not sorry, I will hold my ground and peace.
I forgive you for seeking me in your petty time of need.
I forgive you for using me.
For taking my money and time.
For making me the thing that keeps your head up.
I am okay.
And I am okay without having anything.. Or anyone clouding my soul.
Clouding my life.
I am okay.

Copyright December 20, 2015 J.C.B ©

Eternal Life

I had the weirdest dream that my mother and I had to walk through a hay field in a knee high flood to go to church on Sunday. A few miles in, I looked at my mother and she’s glowing yellow.. “Mom, why do you look like that?” I asked. Mother replied, “Hush! Nobody can see it but you! I’m hiding.” She looked beautiful with big braided blonde hair and gold yellow skin.
Almost immediately after that, soldiers dressed in metal armor rode up to us on horses and grabbed my mother and I. Malaya and my mothers dog were with us so they grabbed them too. “You fools!” A soldier shouted, “These are not humans, they belong to the immortals!” I began to cry as we rode off into the distance..
A few hours later we arrived at a huge mansion on the beach. There were a few women outside with glowing yellow eyes greeting us along with a very tall, prince like, devilishly handsome man with long black hair. He ordered the guards to take us inside and they began to drag us out of the paddy wagon (but more old school like a prisoner wagon/cage). My mother yelled for them to at least let the dogs go and demanded someone come take them for us.. My aunt and uncle (who I don’t really know in the dream) came and took them from us.. Malaya was hesitant to leave my side so I began to cry. “Go on.. It’s okay Malaya.. I love you! It’s okay Malaya.. Go on!”
I yelled to the Prince, “What do you want with us? I am going to kill you!” “Oh,” he said, “I will kill you first!” “Then DO IT!” I replied, as the soldier drug me off to show me to my chambers. Confused, scared and heartbroken I sat on my floor and cried. An Asian maid came in and gave me some crackers & wine and told me not to be afraid, that this was best for me. I stared at her confused and sipped the red rose wine.
I decided to walk around the mansion and find more wine. I was wearing a baby pink, long, nightgown that flowed behind me when I walked. My mother was standing in the kitchen and looked plump and old.. I said, “Mom, how do you do that?” “REALLY?!” She hollered as she snapped her fingers and changed back into the gold yellow skin. “You ruined it!” She said as she stormed out of the kitchen.
I found more wine and went to sit outside by the beach. It was quiet, I felt a little better; at peace. The prince snuck up behind me and startled me.. He asked how I was doing.. “What do you care?” I replied . “I think you’re lovely and i apologize for yelling at you earlier,” he said. “I’m not sorry. Why did you take me here?” “Isn’t it beautiful?” He asked as he kicked the sand with his boot.. “I don’t know what I am.. The soldiers..your guards.. They said we are immortal?!?” He smirked, ” Immortal.. Ahh yes! You’ll find everything out shortly.” He sat down next to me and held my hand which I hesitantly allowed. We spoke for a long time. It felt like he was a magnet to me. I felt so strange because I liked him but didn’t know why..
Later that night after I left him on the beach he wound up in the kitchen again. He poured me a glass of wine and asked to accompany him on the beach. “Maybe,” I said and walked away.. I must’ve fallen asleep because I woke up to the sun beating on my face and my wine glass on my nightstand. I anxiously ran out of the room into the kitchen and asked the maid what time it was. “Good morning dear! It’s 9:30am!” I thought the Prince would have my head for not meeting him.
I went to the powder room to wash my face and my mother appeared behind me. “Look in the mirror, what do you see?” She said, holding my shoulders with a fierce grip. “Umm… I see me..normal, me. Why do you keep changing the way you look?” “It’s a disguise, daughter. You can do it too! I’m sorry I never taught you anything.. I was trying to keep you safe. Trying to be a good mother. I love you,” she said and walked away. I stared at myself hard into the mirror, “I just don’t understand!” I whispered.. My eyes immediately turned into a glowing yellow, “AHH! Wow! Oh my gosh! Mom!” I ran all around the mansion and couldn’t find her. I ran outside into the field to look down and see the prince standing alone on the beach. I sat down and just watched him.. It didn’t take him long to realize I was in his presence. He turned around and waved, “it took you long enough!” He said smiling as he walked up the hill towards me. “I.. I’m really sorry sir.. I was really tired,” I said shyly.. “Oh.. Your eyes.. Beautiful. You’re changing!” He exclaimed happily. “You can see them?!” “Your eyes.. Umm yes, is it uncommon to be able to see people’s eyes?” He replied jokingly. “Ugh! You know what I mean! The color?! It’s weird,” I paused and looked away. “It isn’t weird. You will see. Just stay with me and I will teach you everything you need to know.” He said, “Try this,” he grabbed a pebble and chunked it at me. “My arm flung up and grabbed it quickly. “Impressive,” he said with a smirk and walked away.
The two women with yellow eyes came up from behind me with a bow and arrow. They told me not to say a peep and pulled the arrow back and aimed it at the prince. I couldn’t just keep quiet, I had to save him! “MOVE!” I yelled as I ran towards him. The arrow missed him by an inch. He smiled and somehow went from where we were standing to where the women were and had them pinned up to the wall by their throats. “Don’t play with me today,” he said as he set them down. They scurried inside giggling. “They like to play, ” he said. “I thought they were going to kill you!! I couldn’t let it happen!” I said in a rush.. “Don’t you remember darling? We are immortal..” He leaned in and kissed me on the forehead..
Then I woke up! 😊 I should really write down my dreams more!

Copyright December 21, 2015 J.C.B ©

I Felt Like Talking

My life is like a movie
So unpredictable and unbelievable you would think I’m lying
I can still hear the screaming
Feel the beating

I moved out at 14 years of age.. I was tired of my life being threatened by drunken people who call themselves adults.
I lost my virginity being raped by a person who called himself my best friend.. Him and his friends duck taped my mouth and had their way with me..

Men… Men would offer me places to sleep..
For my friends it was a school night so their parents didn’t allow me over
I’d fall asleep hoping for once, it was safe
i would wake up being pinned down and forced .. After a while of fighting it I would stop because I was afraid of what they’d do to me if I kept yelling.

For years, I struggled being a homeless child. I’ve been living in survival mode since I was a child..
I don’t blame myself anymore but I am tired.. Sick.. And tired

At 16 a friend of 3years drugged me and raped me at a party. And again it happened at 21. That’s three times.
Not including the men who gave me a roof over my head when I was a teenager.

I always wanted to be happy.. I wanted to be a writer.. A singer.. An actress.. Everyone calls me “a light” but I guess they don’t see how dark I truly am..

I fight every morning to start anew. Every morning. All of my pain isn’t just from physical abuse.. This isn’t even a third of my story.

Ive had friends commit suicide and I constantly want to join them … And have tried many times

Hope.. You could say I’m hopeful but
I keep getting torn down every step that I take

I’m not going to call this an awareness video honestly…. I just felt like talking.

Walking around with a fake smile, drinking when you don’t even want to.. All I can think about is getting on track.. But no
I’m always stopped

It’s like a trap.

Being someone who has survived and seen a nightmare full of things makes me feel, I’d say 80years old.. I’m not naive.

Soul crushing my life has been
And all I desire to do is to change it
To be successful
To never let a man touch me again
To be alone
To smile
To dream peacefully instead of nightmares and sleep paralysis

I’d like to live… For once in my life.. I want to live



Copyright March 4, 2016  J.C.B ©