I’m O.K.

December 20, 2015 4:32am

I’m sorry I’m not the type to fake it til I make it..
Make pretend life is #blessed while I struggle for the things I pretend came easy,
Say yes to things I could only cold heartedly agree to,
Be the person who always smiles in the worst circumstances just for personal gain,
Forget about love because of a boss who tells me I won’t succeed without being single- he tries to touch me everyday..
Stay with someone in fear for my future,
Stay with a team or crew full of greed and selfishness knowing I could succeed with them but be treated terribly until then,
Fake a personality to be accepted by someone,
Tell a lie to maintain a lifestyle,
Tell a lie to “get someone’s back” I barely even know,
Say “I love you” to people who only call me when they are in need,
Party with people who are the cities Valerians
Sorry but not sorry, I will hold my ground and peace.
I forgive you for seeking me in your petty time of need.
I forgive you for using me.
For taking my money and time.
For making me the thing that keeps your head up.
I am okay.
And I am okay without having anything.. Or anyone clouding my soul.
Clouding my life.
I am okay.

Copyright December 20, 2015 J.C.B ©