Things I learned in Europe

October 22,2015

Last October I toured Europe by myself for an entire month.. Here are some simple things I learned.. haha

There’s always another train if it’s daytime
People in Europe don’t smile at each other (while just walking around)
Everyone fuking smokes
It’ll be okay, there’s another train
Don’t carry shit bigger than you are
Eat at least once a day
Don’t drink 10liters of bier at Oktoberfest
Every guy under 24 looks like Justin Bieber
It isn’t Justin Bieber..
Everyone above 25 is hot as fuk
But not over 55
Every girl looks like the typical German girl- beautiful and big blonde braids
Anxiety attacks are more serious than anyone would know even if you have them prior to traveling.
If you have anxiety don’t drink
Don’t do drugs
Don’t go to Oktoberfest
Don’t go to Amsterdam
Pretend like you understand everything
Everyone walks with their dogs off of the leash and the dogs are obedient and actually follow- even in traffic
DONT fall asleep in a taxi…. Especially in a foreign country
Always memorize the taxi number you get into
Everyone says “I Luff et” and “Purrfekt” especially in London                                                   When you arrive at Stonehenge, take the thirty minute walk instead of riding the bus.
Everyone blows their nose in public – even while eating, which is my biggest pet peeve
WC stands for the restroom or “toilet/toiletten” You have to pay or tip to use most restrooms.

I will make a serious list some day..

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