A Pirates Fate

A Pirates Fate By Jecca Bitner 7/1/15

The vessel sets south but the wind is blowing north
Pass the port and there goes the fort
Sails fluttering way up high
And she’s without knowledge how to fly
Everything she’s learned she’s taught herself
And people wonder a woman’s worth..
Riding through the strongest tides
The storm comes to no surprise
So as she stands and yells “Heave ho, Avast Ye”
But the Coaming fails as fast as thee
So there she waits for the Seadogs and Scallywags to assist the Matey
To no avail, she must Ballast the wheel
Because there is no Bosun upon this Jury Rigged Jolly Roger..
She pulls the Lanyard as the lookout falls into the Black Sea
Trying to fetch him; impossible in this Fathom
So she keeps ahead.. Salty faced and dry eyes looking for an evasion
The Crew leaving her stranded to save this Vessel one by one.. So she tries and tries to breach tide without discouragement..
But the Jolly Roger is sinking.. So she leaves all behind and leaps to the ocean, fearful of her life
From a distance she vaguely sees the Crow’s Nest down a float..
Wondering how and wondering why
So there she floats, in the freezing waters delight
She hears her men screaming, drowning, being struck with waves so high
She lays there gasping for air and fighting with all of her might
My ship has sunk and I am in the middle of the deadly pirates sea..
Daylight shall come soon, I just know it be..
But daylight never comes
So I wonder what the afterlife will be
A blissful world with no treachery or greed
So here I lay, shivering alone yet my mind set free
Because on the other side.. Hope must be there for me..

Copyright July 1, 2015 J.C.B ©